Water & Fire Features

At Jamestown Landscaping, we think the best landscapes make use of all natural elements. Of course, plants and hardscaping both offer their own unique quality. However, when you incorporate fire and water features into your space, you can create something fluid and attractive. These are some of the most unique, highlighting features that you can introduce to your space and ones, which are bound to captivate you and your friends. They will no doubt be fixtures that you fall in love with again and again, and ones, which you can get full use out of. All it takes is having them made from premium material and customized to your needs – two things which our team can promise. So, if you would like to develop a new fire or water feature for yourself, you can bet that we are up to the task.

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Waterfall and Pond Installations 

Whether you are hoping to install a quaint custom pond, or you would like to carve out your own, customized waterfall, you can trust us to do it. Our team believes in the ability of water features to make any outdoor space more tranquil and more enjoyable. So, by making use of various premium materials, we can bring your water feature ideas to life with ease. Choose from our natural rock and manufactured features and let us know what it is going to take to create the perfect water installation for you, and we would be glad every time. 


Outdoor Fireplaces 

On the other hand, if you are looking for a way to get cozy outdoors and enjoy your time into the later hours, perhaps an outdoor fireplace would be the right thing for you. By fitting an outdoor fireplace, you give yourself a comfortable and contained way to enjoy a fire. It is ideal for any individual, couple, or family, and can even be fitted with added cooking features. You just need to tell us what kind of things you have in mind for your new outdoor fireplace, and we can take care of the rest. 



Alternatively, if you are looking for a more social kind of fire feature to install, maybe you would prefer the luxury addition of a new firepit. When you have your own firepit, gathering in your landscape becomes one of the most enjoyable things you can do at home. Be it on a relaxing night with your family or a busy night with friends, it is the perfect center point and one, which we can achieve top-quality in. So, again, just let us know what ideas you have in mind for it, and we can bring them to life. 


Custom Design

For us, your satisfaction and enjoyment are everything. We want to bring you an installation that is going to be uniquely perfect for you, every time. That is precisely why we make sure that we offer our clients custom design with every new water and fire feature we make. You can decide on the shape, style, materials, and aesthetics, knowing that we will deliver on every need. So, give us a call today and take your first steps to the perfect installation.

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